Data Analytics Lifecycle: Learn with Our Data Analytics Course in Pune

Our data analytics course in Pune offers in-depth training on the data analytics lifecycle, a structured methodology that guides you through data-driven problem-solving. This lifecycle consists of six phases designed to uncover insights and drive business value. Let’s explore each phase in detail and understand how it applies in a practical setting.

Phase 1: Discovery

The first step in the data analytics lifecycle is discovery, where the data science team builds an understanding of the problem at hand. This phase emphasizes gaining context about the business issue, identifying relevant data sources, and forming an initial hypothesis. Our course helps you understand how to explore different data sources and develop hypotheses that can be tested with data. This foundational step ensures that your approach to solving business challenges is data-driven and methodical.

Phase 2: Data Preparation

Once the problem is clearly defined, the focus shifts to preparing the data. This phase involves discovering, cleaning, and transforming the data, ensuring it’s ready for analysis. Our data analytics course in Pune trains you in key data preparation techniques, including data preprocessing and conditioning, which are crucial for accurate modeling. You will also learn about tools like Alpine Miner, Hadoop, and Open Refine that aid in this process. The course equips you to iterate through data preparation multiple times, a common practice in real-world data science projects.

Phase 3: Model Planning

In the model planning phase, the team identifies relationships between different data variables, selects crucial ones, and chooses the right algorithms for building predictive models. Our Pune based training helps you develop a strong grasp of statistical methods and the techniques needed to plan models effectively. You will also learn how to create training, testing, and production datasets while utilizing tools like STATISTICA and MATLAB to design models based on these relationships.

Phase 4: Model Building

Model building is where you bring your plan to life by constructing datasets for training, testing, and production purposes. Our course teaches you how to assess the readiness of your environment and tools, ensuring that they are robust enough to support your models. You will gain hands-on experience with both free and commercial tools like WEKA, Octave, STATISTICA, and MATLAB. By the end of this phase, you’ll have built functional models that can be tested and refined for optimal results.

Phase 5: Result Communication

Once the model is built, communicating your findings becomes critical. This phase focuses on evaluating the model’s outcomes and presenting them in a way that stakeholders can understand. We emphasize the importance of storytelling in data science, how to construct a narrative around your data, highlight key insights, and measure business value. Our course will guide you in translating complex data insights into actionable recommendations, which is essential for driving business decisions. You will also learn how to account for assumptions and communicate the limitations of your models transparently.

Phase 6: Operationalization

The final phase involves deploying your model in a controlled, real-world environment. This phase, known as operationalization, is vital for transitioning from model development to implementation. In our course, you will learn how to pilot projects, observe the model’s performance, and fine-tune it before rolling it out on a larger scale. We also introduce you to tools like WEKA, Octave, MADlib, and SQL, which can be used to operationalize models effectively. This phase also covers best practices for handing over final reports, codes, and documentation to relevant teams for ongoing use.

Real-World Application: Manufacturing Industry 

To bring the data analytics lifecycle to life, let’s consider an example from the manufacturing industry. Imagine a global company with numerous vendors and sub-vendors operating across various regions. The company aims to optimize vendor contracts for increased cost savings.

In our  data analytics course in Pune, you will learn how to apply the lifecycle to solve similar business challenges.

The process begins with defining the company’s goals and gathering relevant data, such as vendor contract prices, invoice values, and service inclusions. The team hypothesizes that different types of vendors might influence cost savings differently. After preparing the data and testing their models, they discover that treating each vendor type uniquely can lead to better cost optimization.

Following the life cycle, the team can deploy a pilot project to test their models, ensuring that the results are applicable in real-world scenarios. This approach ultimately helps the company identify cost-saving opportunities and optimize contracts effectively.

Our  data analytics course in Pune not only covers theoretical aspects of the lifecycle but also provides practical, hands-on training to help you apply these concepts in various industries.

By joining our data analytics course in Pune, you will gain mastery over the data analytics lifecycle and be prepared to solve complex business challenges through data-driven insights.